I'd like to get better at understanding how to train generative models, so I set out to complete a simple task: make a model that can generate song lyrics in the style of artist. I haven't seen anything on huggingface that does this with pop artists so I aimed to make one.
I pruned sebastiandizon/genius-song-lyrics to have only the biggest pop artists (in my opinion). You can see it at smgriffin/modern-pop-lyrics.
Then I finetuned a gpt2 model on the lyrics, conditional to each artist. I used a google colab instance, using only free allocations of gpus. It ran for 32 epochs with a relatively unaggressive learning rate and the results were pretty good! I would characterize it as stylistically consistent, a little repetitive (but isn't that what pop music is?), but it can't rhyme.
Try out the model at smgriffin/pop-lyrics-generator-v1-demo
Download the model or learn how to train your own at smgriffin/pop-lyrics-generator-v1
I'm working on a portfolio website so I can get a great job (if you're reading this considering hiring me you should do it and give me lots of money mmm). Something i've enjoyed about life is the ability to work on/learn about a bunch of different stuff but I'm starting to run a little low on money and thats making me much more focused. Specifically on getting a job.
I go through phases where I'm super focused and lose track of time, and then I'll have a phase where I really just want to play a baseball video game. I push that thought to the side. As sort of a replacement for doing that I'm going to list my favorite things to do in no particular order.
(also with tailwindcss)
I'm trying to make a website where people can have 1-on-1 disagreements with strangers on the internet for a couple reasons:
Anyways, I built react pages for the site and turned to my favorite website, glitch.com, to host it for me. This was trickier than expected because with a react app & an express backend we need to occupy two ports instead of one, which on glitch isn't straightforward because you don't get full access to their compute environemnts.
I was able to find a great guide by Angelo Stavrow here. It details the problem and their solution really well and provides an example project (although it's node version is being depricated by Glitch soon).
I implemented their method into the project where my react pages were hosted and added tailwind css. You can view and copy the project here: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/express-with-react-and-tailwind-starter
This is my first post... I'm not sure what to say. I like to make stuff (mostly websites and music), and I'm trying to make as much as I can. I've made some websites:
- samplegarden.xyz is (at the time of this post) the fastest and cheapest way to go through AI generated samples. It uses a model trained to create short loops. I made this because I've been daydreaming about having an AI producer agent and I think this is the first step to that. I need more money to make that happen, but I think a mediocre version is possible today.
- producersession.xyz is a tool for producers to produce music away from their computer. You can pick through your samples, or mash them up into new samples, all possible through voice commands. I made it because my friend wanted to be able to work on music while he worked a 9-5 job (where he could listen to music).
- whattheradio.io is the first website where you can make a free online radio station (with some caveats; you have to prerecord it). I made it because I've alwasy wanted to make a radio station for me and my friends, and I couldn't figure out how to do it without paying money.
- colorrush.glitch.me is a fun game I've seen online that I took and turned into a daily game with a leaderboard. I made it because my friends loved daily games.
- disagreeonline.glitch.me is an in-progress 1v1 chat app that wants people to disagree, and in the process, understand a new perspective. I made it because of a perception that the united states was becoming more divided politically.
- anarchysoftwarecompany.com is a real-time collaborative html/js/css environment with a chatroom. I made it because I was interested in exploring different ways to write software, although no one has used it (probably in part because it started with a paywall).